A.C.T.O.R.’s Mission: Human potential development of its beneficiaries (children, youngsters and adults) through their involvement, participation and voluntary work.
A.C.T.O.R.’s Vision: A society in which good communication exists is certainly the society we dream to live in. The individual will only be able to realize his responsibility in society through the power and courage to express his personal vision on reality.
A.C.T.O.R.’s Objective: Supporting its beneficiaries in order for them to gain creative communication abilities – these are useful for people’s tuneful development, underlining their responsibilities as actors of the community they belong to.

In its almost two decades of existence, A.C.T.O.R. developed and consolidated programs with impact on ample and diverse groups of beneficiaries:
1. Annually, XX young people either take part in solidarity and volunteering activities (the Clinical Animation Programs and the ESC solidarity projects), or they access the opportunities offered by A.C.T.O.R. – to get involved in different social campaigns – De florii, flori pentru copii (the Flower Campaign) or Jucărie, jucărie, să facem o bucurie (the Toy, Toy, Let’s make a joy Campaign);
2. Annually, XX teachers take part in formation and learning events: trainings on intercultural education – part of the Aici Acolo Program – or courses on arteducation such as: shadow theatre, origami theatre, object theatre, movement, multimedia, and many more. (For more information about A.C.T.O.R.’s trainings and courses click here)
3. Annually, over 9200 children – those in schools and kindergartens participating in A.C.T.O.R.’s workshops on Cultural Diversity through the Aici Acolo Program, those in hospitals and social centres participating in the Clinical Animation sessions, those that come as spectators to our artistic events and those that join us at festivities developed by our partners and financiers (ANPCDFP, Teatrul Țăndărică, Reprezentanta Comisiei Europene, United Way, etc.);
4. The parents of our beneficiaries ,the children, follow our progress and become inspired in enriching the time spent together with creativity and joy.